Kiva Loan Pledge Update: 100+ Loans Made to Date! (2022)



I pledge to make a Kiva loan for every wedding I book.

This has been important for me to integrate into my wedding photography business from the moment I could.


Because it hasn't escaped me how becoming a small business owner has changed my life for the better. I’m grateful to have had the privilege & opportunity to see my goals through. I believe when you are given a chance to work towards a life you deliberately design for yourself, it can be transformative & ripple positively outwards.

And I try to do everything I can to expand this ripple effect to others.

What is Kiva?

“We are a non-profit organization with a mission to connect people through lending to alleviate poverty. Leveraging the internet and a worldwide network of microfinance institutions, Kiva lets individuals lend to help create opportunity around the world.” –

The empowerment that results is priceless & I believe that all humans deserve the right to choose what they want for themselves & see their vision come to fruition. I've been through my share of struggle, & I always strive to do my part to help fellow dreamers & builders.

The beauty of all of this is that you can donate too, whenever you please! You can sign up for your own Kiva account and if you make a donation today for International Women’s Day, your loan will be matched, doubling the impact of your loan to another woman and her business.