KCRW: Ruth Reichl in Conversation with Evan Kleiman


Photos I shot of Ruth Reichl in conversation with KCRW’s Evan Kleiman at Annenberg Performance Studio at KCRW HQ. It was a lovely evening with celebrated author, chef, and restaurant critic Ruth Reichl, who spoke candidly about her time as the Editor of Gourmet magazine (the subject of her new book Save Me the Plums: My Gourmet Memoir). It’s always a treat to get to document and sit in as people have a conversation about their experiences and work, and what they love.

Ruth Reichl and Evan  Kleinman|Blog|Gina Clyne Photography
Ruth Reichl and Evan  Kleinman|Blog|Gina Clyne Photography
Ruth Reichl and Evan  Kleinman|Blog|Gina Clyne Photography