Katie & Mike’s Hicksville Trailer Palace Wedding Weekend, Joshua Tree
Katie & Mike, standing in front of The Integratrailor at Hicksville Trailer Palace, during their twilight cocktail hour.
Joshua Tree, you’ve done it to me again.
When I heard that Mike & Katie were getting married in Joshua Tree, I was thrilled that I was going to be able to witness some of my closest friends get married in one of my most favorite places. When I heard that they were renting out all of Hicksville Trailer Palace for the whole wedding weekend, I died. “What? You mean, all of our closest friends and family together in a beautiful remote place for the weekend – sunshine, a pool and jukebox, and Bloody Bary vending machine included?” Gah!!
Take a minute to watch the slideshow video that I put together and see for yourself!
I can’t tell you how grateful I am to have been apart of such a wonderful celebration. I’ve known Mike for the last 10 years and we’ve been friends for a lot of my formative years… you know, those years when your brain is still mushy and every day is an exercise in getting comfortable in your own skin. I realize now that the friendships you keep from those years will grow and become continually meaningful as time goes by. It’s funny really, when you first make friends with someone, you never fast forward in your mind and think, “yep, we’ll still be good friends 10 years from now, and I’ll photograph your wedding and I’ll cry and give you and your bride a big messy collective kiss on your wedding day”. But that’s life for you. And I think it’s pretty cool.